Our Products


Smart Maintenance is an extensive module for all ( all con doble ele) Maintenance related activities . It helps to maximize equipment efficiency, minimize downtime, improve productivity and reduce operational costs.

High Quality Software

Our Manufacturing Systems are designed with the highest industrial standard and competitive price.

Secure and Reliable

With regular updates and robust fail-safe mechanisms, our software provides dependable security and operational reliability, making it a trusted solution for businesses.

Manufacturing Processes Automation

Our products help industries reduce overhead costs, improve JIT delivery, and mantain low inventory stocks with whole-line tracking for quality and quantity control.

The Solution Smartsuite

Increased productivity
Cost reduction
Efficiency and record times


It offers a comprehensive solution for efficiently managing work orders

assigned to your production stations or equipment.

Attendance and resolution times for each order are displayed on the Kanban board, allowing you to identify and address issues immediately.

With metrics such as MTTA, MTTS, Downtime, Open vs. Closed Work Orders, and Top 5 Failures accessible through our Andon system, you can access customized charts and reports that provide a detailed view of your operations’ performance.

About SmartMaint

Our Kanban board provides a clear visualization of the status of each work order: Open, In Progress, Completed, Closed, On Hold, or Canceled.
New orders are automatically assigned to the appropriate personnel for handling, with instant notifications for a quick response.
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